A popular, experienced speaker.
I’m more than a subject matter expert. I’m able to teach your audience relationship-changing skills that will improve the quality of their personal connections and professional lives.
I’m now booking for speaking engagements at virtual and in-person events 2021. I’m also available for appearances on your podcast and webinars.
Content your audience cares about.
At the end of the day, it’s our relationships that matter most. This is so for our marriages, our families, our businesses, our friendships and even our health. I’m passionate about helping people navigate the power of conflict to build intimacy and improve the quality of their relationships and their lives.
I bring this passion, expertise and caring to all my speaking engagements.
For a sampling of my past engagements, see the Sure Fire Show of TALLsmall Productions. See a question-answer format from the 2020 Success Thru Style Summit. Cyndy Porter asked me to speak in 2021 as well, because of audience reviews from the prior year. Also, I appeared on the Pete McMurray Show of WGN Radio in Chicago.

A speaker with the qualities you’re looking for.
Audience members and event coordinators have this to say about my presentations:
As down to earth and relatable as Brene Brown. It feels like she’s talking directly to you.
Insightful and deeply thought provoking.
Cutting-edge information presented with warmth, compassion and authority.