Join a Community to learn Relationship Skills for healthy, intimate, lasting relationships
- Speak up for yourself and have a better chance of being heard
- Manage conflict with more confidence, instead of keeping everything inside
- Learn to worry less about what others think of you
- Relax and know you can manage emotions as they arise
And finally have a way to put an end to arguing about the same things, over and over and over…

Where did you learn about how to be in a relationship?
If you’re like most of us, you learned from the family you grew up in. The way those relationships worked (or didn’t work) were your first glimpse into what actions to model when interacting with the important people in your life. And that could mean that you didn’t have the best example.
The reality is, this affects far more than just our romantic relationships. Our relationships with our families, our friends, even our relationships with our coworkers and ourselves are shaped by what we learned in our formative years.

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar…
- Every time you try to bring up something that bothers you, you worry and try to figure out the “right way” to bring it up so the other person won’t get upset
- You haven’t been on a date night with your spouse in months, and every time you bring it up it devolves into finger-pointing or the silent treatment for days
- Your teenager won’t listen to anything you say, and when you try to talk to them about it they just slam their door in your face
- You have big goals for your own business but the voice in your head is critical and judgemental, so you don’t take action on things thay you know you want to and can’t figure out how to get out of your own way
If that hits a little close to home, you’re not alone. Slamming doors, silent treatment, constant bickering, or avoiding conflict may have been the norm in your childhood home; they don’t have to be the way you live your life now.
So how can you move past these problems and make lasting, positive changes in all the different kinds of relationships you’re a part of?
The truth is, unless it’s behind closed doors in a therapist’s office, most of us don’t have a place to get actionable, helpful, real solutions to the problems we face in our relationships.
But we’re changing that.

If you’re dealing with issues in any of your relationships — with your partner, your children, your friends, your colleagues, or even yourself — there’s a place to finally get real actionable advice that can help!
Introducing… the Women’s Relationship Intelligence Community
with Risa Ganel.
What is the Relationship Intelligence Community?
The Relationship Intelligence Community is a private membership program that will help you learn the skills to have healthy, connected, truly intimate relationships, with less conflict and more joy. And with direct access to top relationship experts, you’ll be able to supplement any therapy you may already be receiving, and make changes to your relationships with a lot more confidence and savvy.
Having a community led by relationship experts where you can learn new skills and learn that you are not alone is priceless.
When you join The Community, you will be able to:
Join monthly live group calls with Relationship Expert and Couples Therapist for over 30 years, Risa Ganel plus her world renowned guests. During the calls, we’ll cover topics like:
- How to speak up in a way that makes it more likely your needs will be met
- Key elements you need to learn so you can handle conflicts in your relationships (and anywhere else, too) more confidently
- The common ways we try to “resolve problems” that can actually make conflict worse
- Real skills you can start using right now with the support of the community so you realize you are not alone
- And much, much more…

Learn from top thought leaders in the study of relationships, like Terry Real, author of I Don’t Want to Talk About It, and How Can I Get Through to You? Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and host of the podcast “Where Should We Begin?” Laura Reagan, host of the podcast “Therapy Chat”, and many more…
Ask your questions directly in a LIVE call or anonymously – and get personalized answers you can apply immediately to your life.

Surround yourself with an empowering community of relationally minded women, to motivate you, build up your confidence, and help you take action on improving your relationships…and much more!
Relationships are hard. But they’re worth it.
Join a community for more success with what matters most.
The Women’s Relationship Intelligence Community is a bit different from other relationship support groups or therapy. There’s no need for diagnosis or insurance panels to determine how often you can attend. There’s no coursework to follow or prep needed before the meetings. No matter what your romantic relationship status is, this is the place to learn the skills that no one ever teaches for what matters most…our relationships!
And right now you can join the Women’s Relationship Intelligence Community at the introductory price for only:
$36/mo billed monthly or $27.50/mo billed annually
PLUS, when you join now, you’ll lock in that price for as long as you’re a member! That makes right now the best time to join!

Meet Risa
Risa Ganel, LCMFT

I know what it is like to be in a loving, committed, cherishing marriage with a foundation of deep respect and integrity with my husband, Opher…
…And from my first marriage, well let’s just say I know the devastating effects of dishonesty, disconnection, and incompatible values. Both of these experiences have deepened my commitment to helping others develop the skills for genuine intimacy and connection.
My skills in counseling others began when I was about 12 years old. They were awakened when I attended sleep away camp and was shocked to learn that of my 12 bunkmates, my parents were the only ones who were still together. This left a profound impact on me, as evidenced by the impassioned letter I wrote home about it that summer.
I’m not your traditional Couples Therapist.
In my 30 plus years of practice, I realized some of what we were taught in therapy school wasn’t helping my clients. You may have heard therapists should remain neutral, an “unbiased third party.” Too often, this doesn’t serve you. In fact, at times it perpetuates your marital problems. That’s why I won’t always stay a neutral observer. When needed, with compassionate firmness, I’ll call out destructive, anti-relational behavior, help you speak truth to power, and bring you both out of an anti-relational stance into genuine, healthy intimacy.
What People Say About Studying with Risa
“I used to feel like there was no hope and that nothing would change. I’m more at peace because I know there are ways to make changes that come from within me!”
“I recommend working with Risa to all of my friends. If you are ready to be held accountable and hear it like it is, she is the BEST.”
“Sharing experiences and hearing others ask questions who have the same struggles as I do was extremely helpful. I became more confident and felt more secure in starting to speak up for myself with my husband.”
“I learned that keeping silent was colluding with the dysfunction around me. Risa gave me permission to speak up in my personal life. It was empowering. What I have inside is of value and deserves to be shared and heard. I don’t have to worry about what others think. I’ve always measured what others think before saying anything and silenced myself, how ridiculous! At work I could speak up but not at home. I walked away identifying what held me back, the way I handle conflict was destructive and that’s all I ever knew how to do, so I avoided it and then it boiled over. It was easy for me to talk about what I DON’T want, but after this class I know what I do want and have skills to do it differently.”
“Even though I’ve been in therapy, I realized there is so much to each piece that having support and practicing with others gave me more confidence. Now I can speak up for myself more instead of saying everything is fine when it’s not.”
“This was exactly what I needed, I just didn’t know it! I knew I had conflict with my husband and by the second class I realized this was going to be different than I thought. It opened things up for me in a way I never would have guessed. This is just the beginning of my journey!”
Have Questions?
RIC is an educational community and is not therapy. Joining the group does not provide mental health treatment or replace mental health support with a therapist for those who seek it.
Absolutely. The course is about gaining skills in ALL relationships, not just in marital relationships.
YES! The bottom line is, when you make changes in how YOU handle conflict, those around you will have no choice but to respond to the new you and your new way of being.
Now, sometimes they may respond by doing MORE of the same thing they always did with the unconscious hope that you will go back to doing things the same old way too. But we’ll talk about that in the community as needed..
We want you to know that this community will empower you to change YOUR part of the pattern which goes a long way toward effecting change overall.
To get the most out of your membership, we encourage everyone to attend sessions live. However, we understand that schedules are complex. So, yes! All of our community meetings will be recorded and available for you to rewatch, or watch if you were unable to attend live.
You decide what to share, what not to share and how much to share with the community. You can also submit your questions anonymously and have them addressed in community calls without revealing your identity. We ask that community members not share the recordings with anyone outside of the community in order to keep the space a safe place to engage.
You may not be in a romantic relationship, but you have friends, family, co-workers and other relationships! Unless you live alone on a deserted island 😉 In which case, there’s no internet and you wouldn’t be seeing this opportunity anyhow 🙂
We ask that you attend the live community calls as often as possible and attend with an open mind, curiosity, compassion and a willingness to learn. There will be suggested exercises, reading, audio or video lessons to do in between sessions, but it’s up to you how much of that you choose to do. The more you do the more you will get out of your RIC membership. We also ask that you adhere to the community guidelines for participation in order to make it a safe space for all.